Because Knowledge is Power


Whether you’re a vegetarian or just want to eat healthier, I suggest taking a look at the Seventh-Day Adventists that researchers at Loma Linda University in California have been following for decades:

Seventh Day Adventists tend to believe in a moderation based healthy diet – meaning many are vegan or vegetarian but some will eat fish, chicken and even red meat every once in a while. They don’t smoke and if they consume alcohol they don’t drink to excess. Researchers are following them specifically to see how their diets affect their risk of COLON CANCER.

What did the Loma Linda study find?

Vegans and vegetarians had a 22% lower risk of developing colon cancer versus non-vegetarians. Why? A vegetarian diet is rich in fiber, which help with bowel regularity, a known factor in colon cancer. The diet is also rich in various pro-immune, antioxidants and phytochemicals that fight cancer cells.


People who ate fish but not red meat had the lowest risk of colon cancer. Why fish? Probably because fish is packed with Omega-3’s that vegans/vegetarians only get from walnuts, flaxseed and other plant sources.

These findings are important because colorectal cancer is a leading cause of cancer death in the US, second only to lung cancer.

I also find it interesting because it highlights how MODERATION in our diet is so important. So if you don’t have personal objections to animal based foods but still want to reduce your cancer risk, you can. Fish 2 or 3 times a week is great for us. It’s not all or nothing for everyone!!

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0phthalmologist & Health Professional