Because Knowledge is Power

Save Your Vision Month

The American Optometric Association has dubbed March as “Save Your Vision Month,” and I’m thrilled about it! We should be conscious about saving our vision every month, but this is a good reminder to get back to basics.


A focus for the month is digital eye strain. Watch my video for some tips I’ve shared to combat eye strain here.


According to a recent survey by the American Optometric Association, Americans spend seven hours a day on devices, exposing our eyes to blue light. Millennials spend an average of nine hours.


Here are some tips they’ve shared for this month:

  • The 20-20-20 Rule: Even if your vision isn’t quite 20/20, it’s important to know and practice the 20-20-20 rule, which helps protect your eyes from blue light’s negative health effects.
    • 1. After 20 minutes of exposure
    • 2. Take a 20-second break
    • 3. To view something 20 feet away


  • Check your Devices:
    • Many devices have built-in features to filter out blue light. There are also third-party filtering apps available for smartphones, tablets and laptops.


  • Set your Alarm:
    • Late-night exposure to blue light can disrupt your body’s ability to fall asleep. Remind yourself when to shut down with a daily alarm set one hour before bed.


To learn more about Computer Vision Syndrome and Digital Eye Strain symptoms, visit


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0phthalmologist & Health Professional