Because Knowledge is Power

March 2018

I’ve been on a mission to eliminate and detox my home of toxins! More about that here.   My new focus? Finding alternatives to cleansers and common household cleaners that are full of toxins and chemicals. This is especially important in the kitchen where all our food

Spring has finally sprung and it’s a great time to freshen up your habits and start anew. From destressing to tossing expired meds, these little tweaks are great reminders to refresh your habits! Breathe In, Breathe Out Deep breathing can reduce stress levels almost immediately and

Activated charcoal seems to be everywhere recently. I’ve seen it advertised as an addition to face masks and whitening toothpastes. It can be sold in tablet, capsule, or powder form.   What’s the claim?   A growing number of people are hopping on the activated charcoal train with

Growing research is suggesting that that what you eat and drink can protect your body against many health issues. Studies have shown that up to 70% of heart disease cases are preventable with the right food choices.   Here are some of the best foods for your

The American Optometric Association has dubbed March as “Save Your Vision Month,” and I’m thrilled about it! We should be conscious about saving our vision every month, but this is a good reminder to get back to basics.   A focus for the month is digital eye