Because Knowledge is Power

Preventing Dementia: Creative Hobbies

A recent study by the Mayo Clinic looked at cognitively healthy senior citizens and found that those who pursued artistic interests were 73% less likely to develop cognitive impairment. Those who engaged in social activities regularly lowered their risk of cognitive impairment by 55%.


Furthermore, people who regularly used a computer were found to be 53% less likely to develop cognitive impairment.


The biggest decrease in cognitive impairment was found in those who took part in artistic pursuits regularly; art classes, scrap-bookmaking, quilting.


I find this interesting considering that we’ve heard a lot about intellectual pursuits like brainteasers and reading daily having a protective effect on the brain. It’s great to know that if these “brainier” pursuits aren’t quite for you, the more creative ones still help greatly!


Another interesting finding is if a person is immobile or can’t get out to socialize for other reasons, they still get a protective effect by surfing the web and shopping online!


And let’s face it, doing what you love can decrease your risk of many chronic health problems, like depression and heart disease. These are all linked to dementia, so by looking at the whole picture, it makes sense.

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0phthalmologist & Health Professional