Because Knowledge is Power

Bringing back the SPIRIT in HEALTHCARE

When it comes to serving in health care, doctors may or may not have been given the instruction that we are caregivers, servers of healthcare, providers of something more than technical and science based.

What do I mean exactly? Well it can’t be articulated exactly……A hand on a patient’s shoulder can heal immeasurably. A few moments of looking into a patient’s eyes as they explain how they are feeling can help. A hug if a patient breaks down crying may be the difference between them falling into the depths of depression or not.

Few of my medical school classes even touched on these notions. Once in practice it gets even more difficult for physicians to remember the spiritual. We are in an age of amazing scientific advancements, so much happening so quickly that physicians struggle just to keep up with new research daily. Who has time for spirituality?

This article, written by a fellow female physician, eloquently states what I believe wholeheartedly. Spirituality has a huge role in medicine: in coping, in healing, in mortality itself. It’s too often ignored by our physicians and current healthcare system. The most important equation for us to learn is East + West = Better Health for US.

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0phthalmologist & Health Professional