Because Knowledge is Power
Home2018 (Page 4)

June 2018

So you’re sneezing, coughing and you have a runny nose. Are you sick or do you have allergies? The differentiation can be frustrating, even for doctors.   Many symptoms of a cold can also be present in allergies. Overlapping symptoms may include congestion, sneezing, coughing, runny nose,

Are your everyday medications making you sad?   Many of us take medications on a daily basis—for allergies, for joint and back pain, or for acid reflux. A large study found that over 200 medications that are commonly prescribed are associated with higher rates of depression than

Taking only a few minutes to relax everyday could help you lower your risk of cardiovascular disease.   One study followed over 4,000 patients at least 45 years old who had some degree of coronary disease. After six years, the patients reporting higher levels of stress, depression,

Thinking about what foods protect our eyes, it’s important to remember that our eyes are VERY VASCULAR. This means that a heart-healthy diet (low in trans and saturated fat, and high in omega 3 fatty acids), is also an EYE-HEALTHY diet.   Foods rich in antioxidants are

A recent study presented at the Pediatric Academic Societies annual meeting looked at kindergartners and first graders and divided them into groups based on how much TV they watched daily: less than an hour a day, 1-2 hours a day, and 2 or more hours

Let’s face it, if we bought every item in our kitchen certified organic, we may have to take out a second mortgage on our homes or at the very least cut costs somewhere else. So being informed helps us choose wisely about what to spend

Research conducted by Harvard University found that men who ate the greatest amount of fruit and vegetables with high levels of pesticide residue had about half the amount of sperm normal for their age, and 32% fewer normally formed sperm than those who consumed the

YES! It’s true! You aren’t dreaming! I promise!   Dark chocolate contains two compounds that actually strengthen teeth and help fight cavities and gum disease BETTER than fluoride.   These compounds come from the cacao bean husk itself. More and more studies are coming out suggesting dark chocolate is