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HomePosts Tagged "SLEEP"


The fact that most teenagers are sleep deprived is not news to most of us.   Think that sleep deprivation makes teens grumpy, emotionally labile, and likely to have poor attention spans? You are correct.   But that lack of sleep may mean more serious side effects than just

Recently, my 9-year-old son has been having a tough time falling asleep. He had gotten better after many frustrating nights of continuously coming into our room, pleading with me to lay with him for “another 5 minutes” or worse, to sleep with us (NO!) until

Your thyroid is the most underrated organ in your body. It is command control of the body’s chemical messengers.   From the command center in your throat, the thyroid is constantly receiving signals from the brain to regulate all sorts of tasks - from what your

Too many of us in today’s culture actually brag about our lack of need for sleep. Sure, some people do function better on less sleep, but this doesn’t mean they’re immune from the health issues that come with consistently poor sleep. These people may in fact

[spacer height="20px"]Getting healthier can seem like a daunting task. Our busy days make us feel like making any changes are next to impossible! [spacer height="20px"]It’s important to remember that LITTLE STEPS are the basis of the long journey called life. Here are 5 tips that are