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HomePosts Tagged "lifestyle"

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A recent study presented at the Pediatric Academic Societies annual meeting looked at kindergartners and first graders and divided them into groups based on how much TV they watched daily: less than an hour a day, 1-2 hours a day, and 2 or more hours

Do you ever struggle with sticking to your exercise routine? Of course you do—you’re human!   It’s hard to keep up momentum, especially when we haven’t slept well, the weather is frightening, or our work week seems to pile up.   Each of these excuses is valid when

Americans are heavier than ever—so what’s our problem? We are confused! We have so much information thrown at us, so many diets touted as THE diet for you, our minds are spinning! Read more about “Diet fads to avoid” here. U.S. News & World Report just came

We’ve all heard the party line: Sitting is the new smoking. Maybe not exactly, but a sedentary lifestyle for a non-smoker is turning out to be as harmful as a pack a day over the course of a lifetime.   People who sit for more than about

Dr. Annie joins Ellen Leyva and Colleen Sullivan at KABC Los Angeles to share trends in eyelashes and eyebrows! Dr. Annie's Favorite Lash and Brow Trends: Magnetic Eyelashes: Flirt Lash Applicator: Eyelash Conditioner: Eyebrow Conditioner: Eyelash Curler: