Because Knowledge is Power


Well it’s New Years, and everywhere you look there are ads for the “NEW YOU” or articles about “DROP THE WEIGHT FAST” and “HOW TO KEEP YOUR RESOLUTIONS.”


I don’t know about you, but all of this hype surrounding New Year’s resolutions makes me anxious! Why do I have to resolve to do something now? Why does a calendar change mean a personal change?


I’m telling everyone out there that, while change is important in each of our lives, we don’t have to feel forced to change if we aren’t ready.




All you need is right in front of you. Look in the mirror and see your intentions, your wishes, and your goals. Then take a deep breath and forget the idea that it all has to happen now.


January doesn’t mean all of a sudden wanting to take care of your self. There is nothing unique about this time of year, other than it comes off of what for most people is a nonstop chain of food and drink splurging. Holiday festivities are great, but bunched together between Thanskgiving and New Years can make us feel desperate when clothes don’t fit and we feel like we are in a slump. This sets us up for the January blues.


Instead of making a list of how you need to change, try this approach: DON’T despair!


No matter where you are, you aren’t powerless. DON’T give into the urge to drop pounds quickly!


Pounds put on and bad habits developed take way longer to drop than they do to gain.


DON’T go to extremes! Crash diets and fads don’t work in the end.




Spend this month in love with yourself.


Yes you read right; remember to love yourself! We all seem to forget this and how important it is in all of our endeavors, both personal and professional.


If last month was about showing appreciation and kindness towards others in our lives, then this month should be about showing self-love. It isn’t selfish; it’s actually necessary.


We don’t need to hear how we have to change; we need to hear how we deserve self-love.


DO spend quiet time with yourself! Call it meditation or whatever you like.


DO take the extra time to take a bath here and there! Not every day includes a rushed shower does it?


DO realize that you are fine the way you are! Pounds, inches, and all other measures we use aren’t real measures of anything!


DO go easy on yourself! Beating yourself up over perceived shortcomings or health pitfalls you fell prey to won’t help you turn that corner.


DO tell yourself you love yourself! After all, if you don’t love yourself, who will?


Take this time to care about YOURSELF! It is only when this comes more naturally to us will making better health choices be possible. Yes, we have a lot of responsibilities these day – I promise that self care will also make you a better parent, a better caregiver, and a better professional.


Happy New Year to everyone out there! Enjoy the NO RESOLUTION approach to January!

Written by

0phthalmologist & Health Professional